7 Best Benefits of Invisalign

Smile On Us • Sep 18, 2023

Increase your confidence by straightening your teeth this year. This article explains the seven best benefits of Invisalign.

Are your dealing with crooked teeth? Are you looking to straighten them? Don't want anyone to notice that you're doing so?

If so, you should consider using Invisalign. These are clear retainer-style braces that are essentially invisible when set on the teeth. They offer a number of benefits that you won't get with traditional braces.

We're going to discuss Invisalign in detail below, helping you see just what Invisalign brings to the table. Let's get into it! 

What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a tooth straightening process in which clear, plastic aligners are used to gradually shift the teeth from one position to the next. These aligners are an alternative to traditional braces which consist of a series of metal wires and brackets.

Those undergoing Invisalign treatment first have compressions of their teeth taken. These compressions are then used to devise a straightening plan.

To facilitate this plan, several sets of plastic aligners are created, each of which builds on the progress of the previous set. By the time the patient is done wearing the final set, their teeth will be straight, and they can move on to wearing a retainer at night. 

Throughout the process, the patient will be visiting their dentist or orthodontist. This is done to ensure that the straightening plan is on the right track. If something goes awry, the dentist can alter the plan to facilitate better progress. 

There are several benefits of Invisalign, including the following:

1. They Work

Let's get this out of the way first: Invisalign braces work. While they're not suitable for all straightening jobs, they are suitable for most. If you do have extremely crooked teeth, you can first use traditional braces and then supplement them with Invisalign braces. 

Invisalign braces work by slowly adjusting the positions of each tooth. Once the positions have been altered to the full extent of one aligner, a new aligner is used to alter them even more. 

In the same way that tightening traditional braces facilitates tooth movement, using a new Invisalign aligner facilitates tooth movement as well. By the end of your time with Invisalign, you will have a straight set of teeth. 

2. They're Hard to Notice

Traditional braces stick out like a sore thumb. It's impossible not to notice them when an orthodontic patient opens their mouth. While some are fine with this and choose to lean into the look, others would rather avoid it.

Fortunately, with Invisalign, they can. Invisalign braces are transparent in appearance and so are very difficult to see when set on the teeth. When wearing Invisalign, you'll more or less maintain your typical look.

3. They Can Be Taken Out 

Another benefit of Invisalign is that they can be taken out. This is particularly beneficial when it comes to brushing and flossing. 

While traditional braces don't eliminate one's ability to brush and floss, they do make the acts more difficult. Plus, there's always a risk of food particles getting trapped underneath the braces. When this occurs, the risk of plaque buildup increases substantially, and can therefore lead to severe tooth decay. 

Invisalign aligners enable you to care for your teeth as you did before you started the tooth straightening process. You can simply take the aligners off, brush, floss, and then put the aligners back on. 

Note that you can also eat with the aligners off. Therefore, there's no risk of food particles getting trapped underneath them. 

Now, this doesn't mean you should take the aligners off for long stretches of time. You need to be wearing them nearly constantly, in fact. However, taking them off 5 times a day for 10 minutes at a time won't slow down your progress. 

4. They Typically Work Faster 

While there's no set time limit for treatment with Invisalign, by and large, Invisalign treatment takes between 12 and 24 months. The more crooked your teeth, the longer treatment will be. 

Traditional braces, on the other hand, tend to take between 2 and 4 years to provide proper straightening. 

So, in other words, Invisalign braces work much faster. You'll not only have a perfect smile quicker than you would otherwise but you'll also get to shirk the annoyance of wearing orthodontics quicker than you would otherwise. 

5. They're More Comfortable

Both Invisalign aligners and traditional braces take some getting used to when first inserted into the mouth. They're both bound to have an effect on the way you talk, for instance, at least temporarily. 

However, overall, Invisalign is much more comfortable than traditional braces. In fact, once you've gotten used to Invisalign aligners, you'll probably forget that they're even there.

The same isn't generally true of traditional braces. Traditional braces consist of a series of metal wires. Oftentimes, after being adjusted, these wires will poke into the gums and mouth tissue, resulting in sores and pain. 

Yes, they can be adjusted to combat such problems. In many cases, however, the problem can't be combatted until the damage is done. 

There's also the fact that traditional braces jut out more than Invisalign. As such, you'll always feel them pressing up against the inside of your mouth. 

6. They're Easy to Take Care Of

Worried about the maintenance required for Invisalign aligners? Don't be. Invisalign is extremely easy to take care of and will cost you almost no additional money in upkeep. 

To clean Invisalign aligners, you first run them under lukewarm water. Then, you brush them with a standard toothbrush, removing any buildup that may be present. 

If any buildup remains, simply soak the aligners in a specialized aligner cleaning solution. This will ensure that the aligners completely clean. 

Rinse the aligners off once more and then put them back in your mouth. It's that simple.

Interested in Getting Invisalign?

What do you think? Is Invisalign right for you? Looking to get Invisalign aligners in the Hollywood, Florida area?

If so, and if you're looking for a dentist in Hollywood FL, we here at Smile On Us Dental are the ones to see. We've provided Invisalign to many Hollywood area patients. Our experienced and friendly team looks forward to helping you.

Contact us now to schedule an appointment!

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